Harmony experience with IFTTT

It's compatible with Harmony hub‑based products


Create a IFTTT account
Create an account on the IFTTT website or mobile app. Once you've logged in, you're able to select channels that interest you. When first setting up an account, you must select at least four channels.
iOS Google
Connect Harmony to IFTTT
Once Harmony has been connected, you can use IFTTT to set up conditional triggers for your Harmony Activities. Harmony must first be authenticated from the IFTTT platform before you can use triggers to launch a Harmony Activity:
  1. Sign into your account at IFTTT.
  2. Search for Harmony under the IFTTT channels section, and navigate to the Harmony Channel.
  3. Clicking Connect will prompt you to enter your MyHarmony user ID and password.
Harmony IFTTT Authentication


Things you can do with Harmony and IFTTT

Harmony IFTTT - answer call Harmony IFTTT - tweet to start Harmony IFTTT - calendar event Harmony IFTTT - wake up Harmony IFTTT - location aware Harmony IFTTT - SMS to end


I have multiple remotes in my Harmony account

After authenticating Harmony and IFTTT you'll be able to create recipes triggering an Activity from any of your Harmony hub‑based products. Activities from non-hub based products will not be listed. If you have multiple Harmony hub‑based products then all Activities will be displayed in a single list.

Note: If you have identical Activity names across two of your Harmony hub‑based products then both will be listed. You'll have to try creating a recipe in order to determine which Harmony hub‑based product the Activity is associated with.

Information Harmony shares with IFTTT

Harmony only reveals a list of your Activities, plus a unique token that authenticates IFTTT to start and stop these Activities. IFTTT does not have access to your name, email address, nor the devices in your Harmony Account.

My Activity includes a smart lock device

For security purposes, Harmony doesn't allow third party appications to control smart lock devices (e.g., August Smart Lock). This includes triggering Activities which include a smart lock device. Therefore, triggering an Activity that contains a smart lock device is not possible.

I have more questions or suggestions

Join our Harmony product managers and the user community in our online user forums.

Integration details

Hub‑based remotes

Harmony connects with the IFTTT servers, allowing you to trigger your Harmony Activities. Please ensure your IFTTT devices are connected to the same Wi‑Fi network as your Harmony hub.

Cloud Access

Depending on your devices and integrations, Harmony remote may need Cloud Access in order to function properly. Please see the Harmony Cloud Access article for more information and instructions on how to turn it on.

Select your remote

We need to know which type of remote you have in order to provide you the correct instructions. Please select from one of the options below in order to get started.

Harmony Hub-based Remote My remote uses Harmony Hub
Harmony IR Remote (no hub) My remote doesn't use a hub

Incompatible Remote

Instructions on this page are not relevant for the Harmony remote you've selected.


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