Using the Harmony Help feature to fix a problem with your setup
Did something not power on or change to the correct input? Harmony has a help feature which can assist in correcting problems.
Harmony remotes
Your remote has a dedicated Help button above the screen. Once pressed the remote will try to fix some devices on its own before it begins asking a series of questions to help correct the issue. Be sure to keep your remote pointed at your devices so that the remote can properly communicate with them.

Harmony touchscreen remotes
Your remote has a Help feature that will try to fix some devices on its own before it begins asking a series of questions to help correct the issue. Be sure to keep your remote pointed at your devices so that the remote can properly communicate with them. If you know the specific issue such as which device failed to power on or switch inputs, you may also use Fix it myself. This allows you to select the problematic device and then change either the power or input directly.
If you are using Help because an input for one of your devices has changed, you may re-run your Activity setup. On your remote go to: MENU > Settings > Activities.
Harmony mobile app
When viewing your list of Activities or when an Activity is not running you may select MENU > Fix. You’ll be able to change either the power or input for the device you're having issues with.

Harmony Voice Help
If you're having trouble with your setup, you can say "Start Harmony Voice Help" and you'll be asked a series of questions to help troubleshoot the issue. For more information on Harmony voice control and voice commands, see Harmony Express voice commands
Select your remote
We need to know which type of remote you have in order to provide you the correct instructions. Please select from one of the options below in order to get started.

Incompatible Remote
Instructions on this page are not relevant for the Harmony remote you've selected.