Harmony experience with Roku
It's compatible with all Harmony products*
* Roku Streaming Sticks can not be controlled by Harmony IR based remotes and are only compatible with our hub-based products.

Add Roku to your Harmony setup
- Launch the Harmony app and connect to your Harmony hub.
- Select MENU, then Harmony Setup > Add/Edit Devices & Activities > DEVICES.

- Select the ADD DEVICE at the bottom, followed by SCAN FOR WI‑FI DEVICES.
- Harmony will search for Roku Media Players and Roku TV's on your home network.
- Tap to ✓ the box next to the Roku device you want to add, followed by NEXT.
* If you have multiple Roku's tap the information icon on the right to view the Roku friendly name. - Once added, Harmony will prompt you to create an Activity. Select Yes.
- Continue through the series of questions to build your Watch Roku Activity.
- Once you have selected your devices and inputs, Harmony will also prompt you to select a starting favorite channel.
- Once your setup is complete, we recommend you turn off CEC Device Control. To learn more, please see TROUBLESHOOTING HDMI DEVICES WITH CEC.
- Launch the MyHarmony desktop software and sign into your account.
- Select your Harmony product from the Remote Gallery screen.
- Select the Devices tab on the left side of the screen.
- Select the Add device button.
- Enter the manufacturer Roku and your model number (e.g., Roku 2, Roku 3, or Roku 4). If you have a Roku TV, enter its specific information such as manufacturer TCL and model number 32S4610R.

- Select the Scan for devices button near the center of the page.
- You will be prompted to connect your Harmony to your computer with the provided USB cable. Harmony will scan your home Wi‑Fi network for Roku players. Ensure both Roku and Harmony Hub are on the same Wi‑Fi network.

Creating a Watch Roku Activity:
- Select the Activities tab on the left side of the screen.
- Select the Add Activity button.
- Select the Watch Roku Activity type and select Next.
- Continue through the series of questions to build your Activity.
- Once done, remember to sync your remote after making any changes.
The starting channel feature is only possible when setting up an Activity using the Harmony app
- Launch the Harmony app and sign into your account.
- Select your Harmony remote, followed by DEVICES > ADD DEVICE.
- Enter the manufacturer Roku and the model number for the device you're adding.
- Finally, select the sync icon in the upper right corner of the settings menu, followed by SYNC NOW.
Harmony hub‑based products can control all Roku devices including Roku Streaming stick, and also add additional capabilities. Using the Harmony app
- Control icon lists commonly used Roku buttons.
- Gestures allows you to control your Activity using simple swipe gestures over your phone screen. For example, swiping up/down will change your volume and left/right can rewind and fast-forward.
- Favorites will display all your Roku channels for easy switching.
- Voiceand Text entry allows you to use your mobile device's keyboard and/or microphone for text input.

Harmony has already optimized the buttons on your remote; however you can further customize these buttons depending on your preference.

Harmony automatically imports your Roku channels and displays them under the favorites section on your Harmony remote. Commands specific to your Watch Roku Activity are also displayed for which you can add, remove or rename them.

You can view common Roku commands on your phone or tablet screen. You can add, remove or rearrange these commands.

By default, swiping up or down on the gestures screen will change volume. There are 22 gestures in total, view and customize them from the app.
Create unique Roku Activities
Harmony allows you to import your Roku channels and launch one automatically when you start your Watch Roku Activity. With this, you can create specific Watch Netflix, or Watch Hulu Activities that go directly to those channels. Create unique Activities such as a "Breakfast Shows" that may open your blinds, turn on your lights and opens the YouTube channel on Roku.
Follow the steps below to create an Activity or edit an existing one.
- Launch the Harmony app and connect to your Harmony hub.
- Tap MENU, then Harmony Setup > Add/Edit Devices & Activities > ACTIVITIES.

- To create a new Roku Activity, select ADD ACTIVITY. You may have multiple Activities that launch different channels.
- To edit the starting channel for an existing Roku Activity, first select that Activity, then click STARTING CHANNEL.
- Harmony will ask you if you'd like to select a Roku channel when this Activity first launches.
- Selection a specific channel will always start that app. You can choose a news app for a Good Morning Activity, or YouTube for an after work Relax Activity.
Adding Roku to your Harmony setup
- Launch the Harmony Express app and tap Edit Setup.
Next, tap + to perform a Wi‑Fi scan, and select your device.
- If your device isn't found, ensure it's on the same Wi-Fi network as Harmony Express.
- If you still have issues, reboot your device and router then try again.
- Tap Continue and follow the on-screen prompts.

Harmony Express allows you to use your voice to launch apps with this device. During setup, for each app (Netflix, YouTube, etc.), you will be asked which device should be used to launch it. You can also use your voice to send commands such as turn on, turn off, and more. Tap What to say in the Harmony Express app to see sample commands for your device.
For more information on how to use your voice with Harmony Express, see: Voice commands on Harmony Express
Although Harmony has already mapped default commands to your remote buttons, you have the ability to assign custom commands to them. For more information, see: Customizing physical buttons on your remote
Supported apps
Direction Pad Navigation will navigate the Amazon app.
Media Keys such as Play, Pause, Stop, FastForward and Rewind commands work.
Direction Pad Navigation will navigate the Netflix app.
Media Keys such as Play, Pause, Stop, FastForward and Rewind commands work. Netflix allows you to move a frame forward or backward using the direction left and right arrows.
Direction Pad Navigation will navigate the Hulu app.
Media Keys such as Play, Pause, Stop, FastForward and Rewind commands work. Hulu allows you to skip 10 seconds forward or back using the direction left and right arrows.
Direction Pad Navigation will navigate the YouTube app.
Media Keys such as Play, Pause, Stop, FastForward and Rewind commands work. YouTube allows you to navigate between videos using the Direction Right and Left commands.
Direction Pad Navigation will navigate the Browser app.
Media Keys are not used within the Browser app.
Other apps
The behavior of other apps may vary depending on the app's design.
How do I add a new Roku channel from my Roku device to my Harmony Remote?
You can reset your favorites after you have added the Roku channel on the Roku device.
- Tap MENU, then Edit/Reset > Reset Favorites
- Press Reset next to the Roku activity
- Press Continue on the RESET dialogue box
How do I remove a deleted Roku channel from the Harmony Roku Favorites list?
You can reset your favorites after you have deleted the Roku channel from the Roku device.
- Tap MENU, then Edit/Reset > Reset Favorites
- Press Reset next to the Roku activity
- Press Continue on the RESET dialogue box
My devices keep going out of sync
If you own a Television that has Roku OS built into it, we recommend using your voice to change between inputs for watching live tv and transitioning to Roku OS app content. Using the Harmony Express remote to navigate between the inputs will cause the devices to be out of sync in when you try to control them.
My controls stop working correctly after searching for content
Your Harmony Express remote connects with your Alexa account, allowing you to control your Roku. If you’ve been using another Alexa-enabled device to control your Roku and have added the Roku Alexa skill, there may be voice commands that conflict with Harmony Express.
If you’ve previously added the Roku Alexa skill and are having issues with your setup; such as turning on/off devices, switching inputs, adjusting the volume, or other controls, you can fix any conflicts between the Roku skill and Harmony Express by holding down the OK button on your remote and saying “turn on Roku”.
When using this method, subsequent commands will come exclusively from Harmony Express and will not use the Roku Alexa skill. If this doesn't resolve your issue, we recommend reviewing Harmony Express voice commands to ensure commands are being used correctly.
Integration details
Hub‑based remotes
Harmony Express remotes
Harmony Infrared remotes
Harmony Hub connects with Roku through your home's network allowing you to navigate and control using either your Harmony remote or the Harmony app as your Harmony hub.
Roku 1, Roku 2, Roku 3, Roku 4, and Roku TV may be controlled using infrared (IR) signals that are sent directly from your Harmony remote. Roku Streaming Stick does not have IR capabilities and cannot be controlled with Harmony IR remotes.
Harmony uses your Wi-Fi network to launch apps (e.g., YouTube or Netflix). Some Roku devices send infrared (IR) signals for device control, such as adjusting the volume or changing the channel.
Select your remote
We need to know which type of remote you have in order to provide you the correct instructions. Please select from one of the options below in order to get started.

Incompatible Remote
Instructions on this page are not relevant for the Harmony remote you've selected.